Saturday, November 7, 2015

Divine Intersections: Bible Verses on Photographs for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest...

Welcome! This is a free resource of visual art to help spread God's word through your social media. They are not to be sold in any manner. I took all the photographs, so they are unique to this site. Click on the images to see larger versions. Verses are from NASB (New American Standard Bible).

I'll update this post frequently, so keep revisiting for more! I'll usually place new images toward the beginning of the line-up, so be sure to *scroll down* a little. Thanks!

Spread His love abundantly. God bless you, in your coming in and going out.



Acts, Art, Amos, Avila Beach, Belief, Believe, Bible, Bless, Blessing, Bravery, Card, Children, Children's Ministry, Childhood, Child Rearing, China, Christian, Christmas, Chronicles, Church, College, Colossians, Community, Compassion, Corinthians, Courage, Dads, Daniel, Deuteronony, Devotion, Devotional, Divine, Ecclesiastes, Ephesians, Esther, Eternal, Eternity, Exodus, Ezekiel, Ezra, Facebook, Family, Famous Sayings, Fathers, Fatherhood, Faith, Forgive, Forgiven, Free,  Freedom, Galatians, Genesis, Gift, God, Gospel, Glory, Habakkuk, Haggai, Happy, Happiness, Hebrews, Heaven, Holidays, Holiness, Holy Spirit, Hope, Hosea, Huntington Beach, Inspiration, Inspirational, Instagram, Isaiah, James, Jeremiah, Jesus Christ, Job, Joel, John, Jonah, Joshua, Journey, Joy, Jude, Judges, Justice, Kindness, King, Kings, Lake Tahoe, Lamentations, Leviticus, Life, Light, Living Water, Los Angeles, Love, Lord, Luke, Malachi, Mark, Marriage, Matthew, Micah, Moms, Mothers, NASB, Nahum, Nature, Nehemiah, New Testament, Nonprofit, Numbers, Obadiah, Old Testament, Orange County, Outdoors, Parenting, Peace,  Peter, Philemon, Philippians, Photographs, Photography, Pinterest, Pray, Prayer, Prince, Proverbs, Psalms, Quiet Time, Quotes, Quotations, Rejoice, Revelation, Righteous, Righteousness, Romans, Ruth, Samuel, San Diego County, Scripture, Social Media, Song of Solomon,  Strength, Study, Sunday School, Snapchat, 
Surfing, Thanksgiving, Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Transition, Travel, Trinity, Trust, Truth, Twitter, Way, Wedding, Wonder, Union, Unity, University, Urban, Vacation Bible School, VBS, Verses, Zechariah, Zephaniah

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